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 Statist idiot: OZschwitz lawyer causes death of a child

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Statist idiot: OZschwitz lawyer causes death of a child Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: OZschwitz lawyer causes death of a child   Statist idiot: OZschwitz lawyer causes death of a child Icon_minitimeWed Sep 14, 2016 12:52 am

Yasser Alromisse shot his young daughter Mary Shipstone as she stood beside her mother on the doorstep of her home.

Statist idiot: OZschwitz lawyer causes death of a child 87f2beea848a74c3cf40e67982764186

According to the Sun, Alromisse allegedly shot his daughter in the face, and then turned the gun on himself.

Mary's mother Lindsey Shipstone, 44, carried her daughter her to a neighbour’s home where they tried to revive her together.

Mary was then rushed to hospital, where she later died from her injuries.
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Statist idiot: OZschwitz lawyer causes death of a child

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