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 Antibiotics before age 2 linked to allergies later

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Antibiotics before age 2 linked to allergies later Vide
PostSubject: Antibiotics before age 2 linked to allergies later   Antibiotics before age 2 linked to allergies later Icon_minitimeThu Sep 08, 2016 4:36 am

Taking antibiotics in early childhood may increase the odds for hay fever and the skin condition eczema later in life, a new study suggests.
Scientists from Utrecht University in the Netherlands presented their findings today at the European Respiratory Society International Congress in London. They combed through large medical databases looking for observational studies linking antibiotics taken from infancy to age 2 and the risk of eczema a red, itchy skin condition, and hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis​. It’s caused by an allergic response to substances such as tree and ragweed pollen, dust mites, cats and dogs. All of the studies were published between 1966 and 2015.
They said that some previous research has connected early exposure to antibiotics with an increased risk of developing allergies later in life, but the results were inconsistent, so they hoped to find more answers.

Antibiotics before age 2 linked to allergies later 0119healthantibiotics1484354640x360
Children who take antibiotics early in life may be more likely to develop allergies, new research suggests.
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Antibiotics before age 2 linked to allergies later

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