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 Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: 30 Vehicles You Are Not Allowed To Own In United States

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Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: 30 Vehicles You Are Not Allowed To Own In United States Vide
PostSubject: Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: 30 Vehicles You Are Not Allowed To Own In United States   Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: 30 Vehicles You Are Not Allowed To Own In United States Icon_minitimeSat Sep 03, 2016 9:01 pm

While United States is considered to be one of the few countries in the world where citizens can enjoy all kinds of freedoms, it has an unexpectedly strict importation law regarding cars. It goes so far that citizens of United States are not allowed to import new cars that are considered more than legal in places like Germany and Japan. Some of these cases have a solid reasoning behind them, but others not so much. Here are 30 vehicles you are not allowed to own in United States.

Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: 30 Vehicles You Are Not Allowed To Own In United States Cars-you-cant-own-in-united-states-1

What is considered to be a staple pickup truck in the rest of the world isn’t even legal to own in United States. It’s hard to figure out exactly why this is the case as Toyota Hilux has some of the best emission ratings in its class. It could be a move to protect domestic vehicles in this category from foreign competition
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Land of Decree and Home of the Slave: 30 Vehicles You Are Not Allowed To Own In United States

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