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 Idiots: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying?

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Idiots: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying? Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying?   Idiots: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying? Icon_minitimeFri Sep 02, 2016 6:35 pm

A wingsuit BASE jumper just live-streamed his own death—marking the latest fatality in the sport’s deadliest year. We explore why fliers at all levels are dying in this extreme activity.

Idiots: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying? Da4OY2

In researching 2016’s dramatic rise in BASE jumping deaths, I was almost unable to keep up with the pace with which people were dying.

I even watched one of these deaths in real time, live-streamed on Facebook.

A guy with the handle of “Sat Dex” popped up in my feed on the morning of August 26, broadcasting himself via Facebook Live.

The video opens with him stepping into a wingsuit. He has dark hair, a sleeve tattoo, and a Hollywood-style beard. He speaks in German. He gives the finger to the camera and grins. He zips up his suit, flashing more smiles with a sort of nervous or excited energy, the kind you might associate with a child opening a birthday gift.
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Idiots: Why Are So Many BASE Jumpers Dying?

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