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 Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails

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Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails Vide
PostSubject: Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails   Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails Icon_minitimeSun Aug 28, 2016 4:54 am

A technology company that provided the program Hillary Clinton's team used to scrub her private server of emails bragged on its website Thursday that it had prevented the FBI from accessing deleted records.
BleachBit, the publicly-available application that was used to deleted some of Clinton's emails ahead of an FBI investigation, said it had not yet been served a subpoena over its involvement in the destruction of potentially classified records.
A headline on the company's website read: "BleachBit stifles investigation of Hillary Clinton."
Rep. Trey Gowdy brought the involvement of the program to light Thursday when he told Fox News that Clinton's emails were so fully deleted that "even God can't read them."
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Tech firm brags about blocking FBI from recovering Clinton emails

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