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 Yet another statist idiot: Punjab poLICE constable swallowed 40 knives

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Yet another statist idiot: Punjab poLICE constable swallowed 40 knives Vide
PostSubject: Yet another statist idiot: Punjab poLICE constable swallowed 40 knives   Yet another statist idiot: Punjab poLICE constable swallowed 40 knives Icon_minitimeTue Aug 23, 2016 3:01 am

NEW DELHI –  Doctors in northern India say they've surgically removed 40 knives from the stomach of a man who had swallowed them over the past two months.
The 42-year-old man is recovering in a hospital in Punjab state after undergoing surgery Friday in which doctors removed the knives — some folded and some with exposed blades up to 18 centimeters (7 inches) long.
Jatinder Malhotra, a doctor who was present during the five-hour operation, said Tuesday that the man, who works as a police constable, was apparently suffering from a psychiatric disorder and is now being counseled. He said the man could not explain why he swallowed the knives.

Stupid fuck! You're supposed to stab yourself with them, not swallow them.

Typical statist incompetence!


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Yet another statist idiot: Punjab poLICE constable swallowed 40 knives

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