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 This is the average erect penis size from around the world

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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This is the average erect penis size from around the world Vide
PostSubject: This is the average erect penis size from around the world   This is the average erect penis size from around the world Icon_minitimeMon Aug 22, 2016 3:58 am

Target Map have released some new and very interesting data which unveils different average erection sizes from around the world.

This is the average erect penis size from around the world 57b95153d211b_penissize_1brikai-1brikaj

According to the diagram, African men have the world's largest penises, whereas men from Asian countries find themselves on the other end of the scale.

The results reveal that men from the African countries highlighted in red, such as Jamaica, Haiti and Ghana, possess the most impressive size in manhood, ranging from 6.3 to 7 inches.

Second to Africa are men from Australia, Italy, Norway, Mexico, and South Africa, who average at around 5.8 – 6.3 inches.

Next up are British, American, French, German and Spanish guys, whose average erection is between 5-5.8 inches.

In fourth place are Japanese, Indonesian, Greek, Brazilian and Russian men at around 4.1-5 inches.

And lastly, guys who hail from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Malaysia and South Korea have an average erection size of 3.6 inches and 4.1 inches.

So now you know.
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This is the average erect penis size from around the world

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