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 Useless OZschwitz pigs: cafe siege inquest exposes 'crisis of leadership' in poLice

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Useless OZschwitz pigs: cafe siege inquest exposes 'crisis of leadership' in poLice  Vide
PostSubject: Useless OZschwitz pigs: cafe siege inquest exposes 'crisis of leadership' in poLice    Useless OZschwitz pigs: cafe siege inquest exposes 'crisis of leadership' in poLice  Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2016 6:45 pm

That was the damning assessment of one seasoned counter-terrorism expert who'd followed the Lindt siege coronial inquest from start to finish and spoke to Fairfax Media on the basis of anonymity this week. Others have used blunter language. "Man that was a f--- up," the tactical officer known as Officer B allegedly told a paramedic, shortly after police stormed the cafe. In evidence he said he had not used those words but might have said it was a "f---ed up situation [because] no one wanted to go into that cafe".

Useless OZschwitz pigs: cafe siege inquest exposes 'crisis of leadership' in poLice  1471615354066

Whatever the language, one thing is clear: on the evidence before coroner Michael Barnes, the management of the Lindt cafe siege stands exposed as well short of the finest hour for the state's police leadership.
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Useless OZschwitz pigs: cafe siege inquest exposes 'crisis of leadership' in poLice

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