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 It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag

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It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag Vide
PostSubject: It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag   It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag Icon_minitimeFri Aug 19, 2016 3:05 am

It’s difficult to pick the most destructive of America’s many senseless, futile and tragically needless wars, but the “War on Drugs” is near the top of the list.Prohibition of mind-altering substances has not just failed–it has failed spectacularly, and generated extremely destructive and counterproductive consequences.
What was the result of the Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s? Prohibition instantly criminalized 40+% of the adult populace and created hugely profitable criminal organizations.
What was the result of the “War on Drugs”? This modern-day Prohibition instantly criminalized large swaths of the adult populace and created hugely profitable criminal organizations.
If you want to increase drug use, criminalize innocent citizens and spawn gargantuan criminal organizations, then by all means declare “war” via Prohibition. The results of Prohibition/War on Drugs are so visibly perverse and so destructive that the entire enterprise is sickeningly Orwellian.
The well-paid apologists for Prohibition/War on Drugs claim that imprisoning millions of people “helps” them avoid drugs. If you think being tossed in prison for a few years “helps” people, then step right up and accept a fiver (5-year sentence) in an American prison, which is essentially a factory that produces one product: people damaged by imprisonment, deprived of their full citizenship, hobbled by a felony conviction–ex-con beneficiaries of years of tutorials by hardened criminals.
This is as Orwellian as the Vietnam War’s famous “It became necessary to destroy the town to save it.”
If you think throwing millions of people in prison “helps” them or society, you are either insane or you’re making a living in the gulag or our sick system of “justice”. If you don’t think America has a “War on Drugs” Gulag, please glance at this chart of Americans in jail and prison–many for drug-related offenses:

It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag Prison-population2

The US population has increased about 40% since the War on Drugs started in earnest in 1980, while the prison/Gulag population has increased over 400% since 1980.

It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag USA-gulag2
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It’s Time to Abolish the DEA and America’s “War on Drugs” Gulag

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