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 OZschwitz constable in tears while testifying about colleague pulling knife while on duty

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz constable in tears while testifying about colleague pulling knife while on duty Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz constable in tears while testifying about colleague pulling knife while on duty   OZschwitz constable in tears while testifying about colleague pulling knife while on duty Icon_minitimeThu Aug 18, 2016 10:20 pm

A young Sydney police officer has broken down while giving evidence about a colleague who pulled out a knife ​after stopping to question two men about an alleged street brawl.

OZschwitz constable in tears while testifying about colleague pulling knife while on duty 1471500175196

Constable Juan Congdon​ left the witness box in tears after describing how his colleague had pulled out the blade as they spoke to the men in Marrickville in the early hours of January 18.
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OZschwitz constable in tears while testifying about colleague pulling knife while on duty

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