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 Amazon courts women entrepreneurs with event to boost sales

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Amazon courts women entrepreneurs with event to boost sales  Vide
PostSubject: Amazon courts women entrepreneurs with event to boost sales    Amazon courts women entrepreneurs with event to boost sales  Icon_minitimeWed Aug 17, 2016 10:48 pm Inc. is making an effort to woo more women entrepreneurs to its online marketplace, which attracts 300 million shoppers from 185 countries, by emphasizing the company's global reach and tools for efficiently building a budding business.

Amazon courts women entrepreneurs with event to boost sales  1471406130720

The company made its appeal Tuesday at its first Women's Entrepreneur Conference, which drew 300 e-commerce merchants to Amazon's global headquarters in Seattle. Amazon has hosted other events to help third-party merchants who sell goods on its marketplace, but this was the first specifically tailored to women.
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Amazon courts women entrepreneurs with event to boost sales

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