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 Statist idiot: Power-lusting French mayor bans 'anarchical' Pokemon settlement in village

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Statist idiot: Power-lusting French mayor bans 'anarchical' Pokemon settlement in village Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: Power-lusting French mayor bans 'anarchical' Pokemon settlement in village   Statist idiot: Power-lusting French mayor bans 'anarchical' Pokemon settlement in village Icon_minitimeTue Aug 16, 2016 11:11 pm

A French mayor has denounced the "anarchical settlement" of "Pokemon Go" characters on the "territory" of his eastern village and has ordered the game's creator to remove the virtual creatures.

Statist idiot: Power-lusting French mayor bans 'anarchical' Pokemon settlement in village D208beafa0574799a73b3f6837d81263_vietnam_pokemon_go

Bressolles Mayor Fabrice Beauvois said Tuesday that he has mailed a decree to California-based Niantic Inc. and The Pokemon Company to make sure they stop setting up Pokemons in the village of about 800 inhabitants northeast of Lyon.

In his decree, the mayor says the search for Pokemons puts pedestrians and drivers at risk because players get inattentive while watching their smartphones and that it may also result in groups of people forming at night.

The game, increasingly popular around the world, sends players into the real world to search for digital monsters known as Pokemons, which appear on their smartphone screens.

Beauvois insisted in a phone interview with The Associated Press that his order, issued last week, is only targeting the two companies, not the players. He said that Bressolles is the first French municipality to issue such a decree.
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Statist idiot: Power-lusting French mayor bans 'anarchical' Pokemon settlement in village

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