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 Über-socialist Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy

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Über-socialist Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy Vide
PostSubject: Über-socialist Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy   Über-socialist Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy Icon_minitimeThu Aug 11, 2016 4:13 am

Bernie Sanders does not like fancy-schmancy things. He isn’t a huge fan of gazillionaires, tuxedos or any of the highfalutin trappings of society’s economic ills. This, of course, made him a hero among the country’s growing socialist movement. So when news came that the former presidential candidate bought a $575,000 vacation home for his family, the hypocrisy police were ready to pounce in all caps.

Über-socialist Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy Bern

The Sanders family’s “new waterfront crib has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront,” according to the Vermont newspaper Seven Days, which broke the news on Monday. Sanders’s spokesman, Michael Briggs, told us the home is 1,800 square feet (hardly a mansion). Jane O’Meara Sanders, the senator’s wife, said she had “always hoped” to buy a home in the area, which has more of a country village vibe than Hamptons feel.

:I buy!:
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Über-socialist Bernie Sanders buys a $575,000 vacation home and the Internet cries hypocrisy

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