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 Edward Snowden Tweets Cryptic Code: Was it a Dead Man’s Switch?

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Edward Snowden Tweets Cryptic Code: Was it a Dead Man’s Switch? Vide
PostSubject: Edward Snowden Tweets Cryptic Code: Was it a Dead Man’s Switch?   Edward Snowden Tweets Cryptic Code: Was it a Dead Man’s Switch? Icon_minitimeSun Aug 07, 2016 7:12 pm

After posting a 64 character hex code that is believed to be an encryption key, the internet worries that the famed whistleblower may have been killed or captured resulting in the triggering of a dead man’s switch and potentially the release of many more US national secrets.

Edward Snowden Tweets Cryptic Code: Was it a Dead Man’s Switch? 1023516197

On Friday night, famed NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeted out a 64 character code before quickly deleting the message along with a mysterious warning earlier this week that “It’s Time” which had called on colleagues of the former contractor to contact him leaving the internet to speculate that the characters could be an encryption key for a major document leak, it may be a “dead man’s switch” set to go in effect if the whistleblower were killed or captured, or potentially both.
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Edward Snowden Tweets Cryptic Code: Was it a Dead Man’s Switch?

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