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 Bank of England cuts key rate to historic low

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Bank of England cuts key rate to historic low Vide
PostSubject: Bank of England cuts key rate to historic low   Bank of England cuts key rate to historic low Icon_minitimeFri Aug 05, 2016 3:33 am

The Bank of England said it would cut its main interest rate to its lowest point ever and expand other measures to bolster Britain's economy over concern that the country's decision to leave the European Union could weigh on growth.

Bank of England cuts key rate to historic low 1470352415579

The move comes at a time of widespread uncertainty about the longer-term impact of the vote to leave the bloc, known as Brexit. It is unclear what Britain's future trading relationship will be with the European Union and, crucially, how much access London's prized financial services industry will have to the Continent. The referendum also unleashed a summer of political turmoil that led to a new government and to questions about the new leadership's economic policies.
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Bank of England cuts key rate to historic low

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