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 Statist idiot: OZschwitz spook bugged wrong phones, 'fat fingers' blamed

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Statist idiot: OZschwitz spook bugged wrong phones, 'fat fingers' blamed Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: OZschwitz spook bugged wrong phones, 'fat fingers' blamed   Statist idiot: OZschwitz spook bugged wrong phones, 'fat fingers' blamed Icon_minitimeWed Aug 03, 2016 11:13 pm

Goldfinger, as the James Bond film's title song had it, was the man with the Midas touch.

Statist idiot: OZschwitz spook bugged wrong phones, 'fat fingers' blamed 1470261479130

But one of Australia's spies from ASIO might be called Fatfinger, the man with the clumsy touch, after a series of wrong phones were bugged because incorrect numbers were entered.

The intelligence agency watchdog has revealed the mistakes as part of a vibrant defence of the nation's spies, who she says are human beings doing a difficult job, inevitably subject to the same flaws as the rest of us.
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Statist idiot: OZschwitz spook bugged wrong phones, 'fat fingers' blamed

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