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 Statist idiots: OZschwitz government spent $300,000 on learner driver app that already exists

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: OZschwitz government spent $300,000 on learner driver app that already exists Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: OZschwitz government spent $300,000 on learner driver app that already exists   Statist idiots: OZschwitz government spent $300,000 on learner driver app that already exists Icon_minitimeThu Jul 28, 2016 4:10 am

The Palaszczuk government spent $300,000 building an app that had already been developed and made available by the private sector.

Statist idiots: OZschwitz government spent $300,000 on learner driver app that already exists 1469677736002

Roads Minister Mark Bailey was queried over the learner driver e-log book app, which allows learner drivers to record the 100 hours driving practice they are required to complete before becoming eligible to complete their driving test at his Thursday estimates hearing.

The smart phone and tablet app links with the Department of Transport and Main Roads, to allow for the logbook's processing.

Under questioning, it was revealed the app cost $300,000 to create, with an ongoing annual budget of $100,000 for maintenance.

Opposition transport spokesman Andrew Powell pointed out the RACQ had already created an app which fulfilled the same purpose, without the cost to taxpayers.
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Statist idiots: OZschwitz government spent $300,000 on learner driver app that already exists

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