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 Statist idiot: Sanders said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution

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Statist idiot: Sanders said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: Sanders said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution   Statist idiot: Sanders said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution Icon_minitimeTue Jul 26, 2016 12:40 am

Rarely has a vanquished opponent offered such full-throated support for a rival as Bernie Sanders did for Hillary Clinton on Monday night. At a convention whose first hours were marked by incipient rebellion among die-hard Sanders delegates, the democratic socialist from Vermont did far more than merely utter an endorsement; he delivered a long and passionate speech that was designed expressly to move his supporters to Clinton’s side.

Statist idiot: Sanders said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution 650x366

He began by listing the premises of his campaign: the “immorality” of income inequality, the inadequacy of traditional liberal programs, the corruption of politics fueled by corporate money.

Then, in a striking turn, he said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution.

“Hillary Clinton must become the next president of the United States,” he said. “The choice is not even close.”

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Statist idiot: Sanders said Clinton – whom he had excoriated for months as an exemplar of those problems – now qualifies as the solution

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