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 Statist idiot and Chinese finance minister: G20 should support a new int'l tax system for GROWTH

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Statist idiot and Chinese finance minister: G20 should support a new int'l tax system for GROWTH Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot and Chinese finance minister: G20 should support a new int'l tax system for GROWTH   Statist idiot and Chinese finance minister: G20 should support a new int'l tax system for GROWTH Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2016 2:03 am

CHENGDU, July 23 (Xinhua) -- G20 should play a leading role in improving the international tax governance and support the development of a new international tax system, China's Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said Saturday.

Statist idiot and Chinese finance minister: G20 should support a new int'l tax system for GROWTH 135534414_14692659143181n

Lou was speaking at a meeting of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors in Chengdu, capital city of southwestern China's Sichuan Province.

G20 should continuously expand and deepen international tax coordination and cooperation, and support the development of a new international tax system which is fair, equal, inclusive and organized, according to Lou.

It is the first time for China to put forward the idea of "a new international tax system".

Lou also said that the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policies is diminishing and major economies should deepen coordination to promote sustainable, balanced growth.
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Statist idiot and Chinese finance minister: G20 should support a new int'l tax system for GROWTH

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