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 Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures

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Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures Vide
PostSubject: Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures   Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2016 3:11 am

Hillary Clinton goes into convulsions during interview, then appears to try to play it off as a joke afterward. It is possible she has some sort of illness, or thinks it is funny to mock people with seizures.

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures Vide
PostSubject: Re: Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures   Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures Icon_minitimeSun Jul 24, 2016 3:25 am

If you look carefully at the first part, you might notice the tape goes into reverse. Repeated.
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Clinton has seizure/convulsions - tries to play it off making fun of seizures

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