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 Statist idiot: Clinton pledges to 'bring the full weight of the law' against people who kill officers; HA-HA!

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiot: Clinton pledges to 'bring the full weight of the law' against people who kill officers; HA-HA! Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: Clinton pledges to 'bring the full weight of the law' against people who kill officers; HA-HA!   Statist idiot: Clinton pledges to 'bring the full weight of the law' against people who kill officers; HA-HA! Icon_minitimeTue Jul 19, 2016 12:50 am

Hillary Clinton responded to the shooting of three officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, on Monday, arguing that the killings not only show the need to come down hard on people who kill officers, but also how the shootings do damage to people pushing criminal justice reform.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, urging people to see the world through both the eyes of officers and African American men who have been targeted by law enforcement, told the NAACP at their conference in Cincinnati that "empathy works both ways. We have to try to see the world from their eyes, too."

Clinton's comments come a day after Gavin Long, a 29-year old ex-Marine, opened fire on officers in Baton Rouge, killing officers Montrell Jackson, Matthew Gerald and Brad Garafola. The shootings come weeks after officers shot Alton Sterling on July 5, a shooting that sparked protests and outrage across the country.
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Statist idiot: Clinton pledges to 'bring the full weight of the law' against people who kill officers; HA-HA!

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