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 After the Nice attack, the stupid public wants to know: Why doesn't the violence stop?

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After the Nice attack, the stupid public wants to know: Why doesn't the violence stop?  Vide
PostSubject: After the Nice attack, the stupid public wants to know: Why doesn't the violence stop?    After the Nice attack, the stupid public wants to know: Why doesn't the violence stop?  Icon_minitimeSun Jul 17, 2016 12:17 am

Public anger grew Saturday over the truck rampage that killed at least 84 people in this seaside resort, with accusations of lax security eroding support for the country’s already unpopular president and galvanizing passions over the threat posed by violent jihadists. 
The carnage on France’s cherished national holiday – inflicted by an attacker initially described by authorities as a disaffected, violent petty criminal with no apparent ideological motive – fueled often raw debate over issues of national identity and the assimilation of immigrants. That echoed similarly volatile political discourse in the United States and elsewhere in Europe.

After the Nice attack, the stupid public wants to know: Why doesn't the violence stop?  850x478
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After the Nice attack, the stupid public wants to know: Why doesn't the violence stop?

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