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 Idiots in science: Cosmologist proposes theory that building blocks of life may not be chemicals but information

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots in science: Cosmologist proposes theory that building blocks of life may not be chemicals but information Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in science: Cosmologist proposes theory that building blocks of life may not be chemicals but information   Idiots in science: Cosmologist proposes theory that building blocks of life may not be chemicals but information Icon_minitimeSun Jul 10, 2016 9:28 pm

Among all the extraterrestrial species featured in the late Douglas Adams' excellent Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy novels there is one called a Hoovooloo, described as "a super intelligent shade of the colour blue".

Idiots in science: Cosmologist proposes theory that building blocks of life may not be chemicals but information 1468073057619

Oddly enough, this utterly abstract sort of alien might yet turn out to be the author's most perspicacious invention.

If a new paper co-written by prominent Australian physicist Professor Paul Davies is on the money, every other fictitious ET, from Star Trek's Vulcans to Star Wars' Yoda, are the products of depressingly limited imaginations.
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Idiots in science: Cosmologist proposes theory that building blocks of life may not be chemicals but information

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