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 Statist idiot: Demanding Order, El-Sissi Turns to Military to Rebuild Egypt

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Statist idiot: Demanding Order, El-Sissi Turns to Military to Rebuild Egypt Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: Demanding Order, El-Sissi Turns to Military to Rebuild Egypt   Statist idiot: Demanding Order, El-Sissi Turns to Military to Rebuild Egypt Icon_minitimeFri Jul 08, 2016 4:26 am

CAIRO — During two years in office, Egypt's general-turned-president Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi has sought to impose a military-style discipline to end years of turmoil and has turned to the armed forces to help rebuild the deeply damaged economy to a degree unseen in more than 50 years.
The military has taken the lead in carrying out a string of major projects, from building roads and overseeing housing construction to providing cheap food to the public. That has provided a needed bit of stimulus and helped keep Egyptians going in hard times. But the flip side has been a heavy emphasis on secrecy, leaving observers unsure how el-Sissi plans to tackle an economy struggling under high inflation, unemployment and a tumbling currency.
El-Sissi has frequently sought to impose secrecy on politicians over issues that usually would be open for public discussion. In June, he said some of his planned projects cannot be announced, without explanation.

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Statist idiot: Demanding Order, El-Sissi Turns to Military to Rebuild Egypt

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