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 Statist idiots: Kurdistan's Abadi orders security to stop using ‘magic wands’ to detect explosives

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Statist idiots: Kurdistan's Abadi orders security to stop using ‘magic wands’ to detect explosives Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Kurdistan's Abadi orders security to stop using ‘magic wands’ to detect explosives   Statist idiots: Kurdistan's Abadi orders security to stop using ‘magic wands’ to detect explosives Icon_minitimeTue Jul 05, 2016 12:08 am

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has ordered security services to stop using fake bomb detectors, known as ‘magic wands’, as he faces the rage of the grieving Iraqi population one day after the single most deadly attack on Baghdad this year.

Statist idiots: Kurdistan's Abadi orders security to stop using ‘magic wands’ to detect explosives 227700Image1

The ADE651 was marketed to many countries, including Iraq, as a handheld bomb detector. It is a small wand with a telescopic antenna on a swivel that is supposed to detect explosive materials. Baghdad spent at least $85 million on the devices, putting one in nearly every checkpoint in the country.

The handheld wands were, in fact, developed to locate lost golf balls and are useless at detecting explosives. A retired US Air Force officer, Lt. Col. Hal Bidlack, said the wands worked “on the same principle as a Ouija board.”
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Statist idiots: Kurdistan's Abadi orders security to stop using ‘magic wands’ to detect explosives

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