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 Idiots: Thousands protest Brexit result

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

Idiots: Thousands protest Brexit result Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Thousands protest Brexit result   Idiots: Thousands protest Brexit result Icon_minitimeSat Jul 02, 2016 9:09 pm

Thousands of people have gathered in central London again to protest against plans for Britain to leave the European Union.

Idiots: Thousands protest Brexit result 35E1ACD300000578-3671262-image-a-76_1467469500829

Demonstrators wearing EU flags as capes and with homemade banners saying 'Bremain' and 'We Love EU' gathered on the streets around Park Lane for the March for Europe rally.

Around 40,000 protesters are taking part in the event, which was organised on social media. They marched through the streets of London, from Park Lane to Parliament Square.

A smoke bomb was let off at Parliament Square and one person held a placard with a characateur mocking the candidate for Prime Minister, Michael Gove.
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Idiots: Thousands protest Brexit result

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