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 Statist Idiots: Order of Business for E.U. in Brussels: First Weeds, Then ‘Brexit’

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Statist Idiots: Order of Business for E.U. in Brussels: First Weeds, Then ‘Brexit’ Vide
PostSubject: Statist Idiots: Order of Business for E.U. in Brussels: First Weeds, Then ‘Brexit’   Statist Idiots: Order of Business for E.U. in Brussels: First Weeds, Then ‘Brexit’ Icon_minitimeTue Jun 28, 2016 4:03 am

BRUSSELS — Less than 24 hours after Britain threw Europe’s postwar order into disarray last Thursday by voting to leave the European Union, dozens of officials from the bloc’s 28 member countries and its executive arm met behind closed doors in a drab Brussels office block to discuss the urgent issues at hand.

Statist Idiots: Order of Business for E.U. in Brussels: First Weeds, Then ‘Brexit’ 02cJcn

The meeting ended without a decision, however, and was followed on Monday by more inconclusive and confidential wrangling in the Albert Borschette Congress Center in Brussels.

The main issue under discussion was not Brexit, as Britain’s departure from the bloc is called, but another divisive cause embraced by British foes of the European Union: the freedom to use certain types of weed killer.

While Berlin, Europe’s de facto capital, has hosted crisis meetings in recent days to discuss how to respond to Britain’s vote, Brussels, the putative capital of Europe, has stuck doggedly to its own stately rhythms. On Friday and Monday, it plowed ahead with arcane debates about weeds, fish, organic farming and other subjects that have come to form the substance of the so-called European project.

This scrutiny of technical minutiae has turned the European Union into a regulatory superpower, allowing it to help set norms and standards used around the world. But that tight focus has crippled its ability to grapple with big issues or to engage with many ordinary people. As the British vote showed, many people feel no connection with what began as an idealistic peace project after World War II, but is now widely viewed as a meddling and undemocratic bureaucratic machine.
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Statist Idiots: Order of Business for E.U. in Brussels: First Weeds, Then ‘Brexit’

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