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 Idiotic Senator Jeanne Shaheen shames AR-15 owners: ‘They’re buying it to do bad things’

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiotic Senator Jeanne Shaheen shames AR-15 owners: ‘They’re buying it to do bad things’ Vide
PostSubject: Idiotic Senator Jeanne Shaheen shames AR-15 owners: ‘They’re buying it to do bad things’   Idiotic Senator Jeanne Shaheen shames AR-15 owners: ‘They’re buying it to do bad things’ Icon_minitimeWed Jun 22, 2016 12:19 am

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire charged Monday that people who buy the wildly popular AR-15 semi-automatic rifle are buying it “to do bad things.”

Idiotic Senator Jeanne Shaheen shames AR-15 owners: ‘They’re buying it to do bad things’ Shaheen_supreme_court_c0-241-5760-3599_s885x516

“I think people need to have their voices heard, and what I’ve heard from people in New Hampshire is that they think there’s reasonable legislation that we can pass including things like looking at the types of weapons that are so easy for people to get,” the Democrat said on “Mitchell in the Morning,” BuzzFeed News reported.

“The fact is, the AR-15, the gun that [Orlando terrorist Omar] Mateen used, that’s a weapon of war,” Ms. Shaheen said.

Mateen actually used a Sig Sauer MCX semi-automatic rifle, similar to the AR-15, to gun down 49 people at Pulse nightclub in Orlando June 12.

Ms. Shaheen claimed that what the AR-15 is “advertised as being able to do, technologically advances…killing people that previous weapons have been unable to do.”

“Somebody who is buying that kind of a weapon isn’t buying it for target shooting,” she said. “They’re not buying it to go out and hunt deer. You don’t need an AK-47 or an AR-15 to hunt deer. They’re buying it to do bad things and we need to recognize that and address it.”
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Idiotic Senator Jeanne Shaheen shames AR-15 owners: ‘They’re buying it to do bad things’

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