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 More statist idiots: Brexit campaigner faces poLICE probe over Jo Cox slur claims

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More statist idiots: Brexit campaigner faces poLICE probe over Jo Cox slur claims Vide
PostSubject: More statist idiots: Brexit campaigner faces poLICE probe over Jo Cox slur claims   More statist idiots: Brexit campaigner faces poLICE probe over Jo Cox slur claims Icon_minitimeMon Jun 20, 2016 4:09 am

A BREXIT activist campaigning at a street stall in Edinburgh told a mother-of-four he “doesn’t give a f**k” about the murder of MP Jo Cox, it has been claimed.

More statist idiots: Brexit campaigner faces poLICE probe over Jo Cox slur claims ?type=responsive-gallery

Official EU referendum campaigns have been suspended nationally until Sunday with both the Leave and Remain camps cancelling events.

However, Evie Murray, 39, was approached by Grassroots Out activists who set up a street stall in Kirkgate in Leith on Saturday afternoon. When she asked the group why they were campaigning so soon after Cox was killed one of the men became aggressive.

It is claimed that the man moved towards her and when his face was just inches away from her he made a sick statement about the MP’s death.

Murray, who is chief-executive of award-winning charity Leith Community Crops in Pots, has contacted Police Scotland and they have issued an appeal for witnesses.

Grassroots Out – one of several organisations campaigning for Britain to vote to leave the EU on Thursday – has said the street stall wasn’t sanctioned and described the incident as “reprehensible”.

Murray said: “I tried to walk past but a leaflet was thrust in my face. I asked them why they were campaigning. He was so aggressive and got really close to my face. He said: ‘I don’t give a f**k about that murder’.

“It was just vile. There was no provocation whatsoever. It left me feeling really quite anxious.”

Murray, who has four children, managed to take two photographs of the man using her mobile phone as she retreated. In one picture he is making an obscene gesture and in another he has his hands outstretched and appears to be shouting.

A spokesman for Grassroots Out said: “We suspended campaigning following the very sad death of Jo Cox. We’re not holding any major set piece events, but there are supporters doing low level canvassing and leafleting today. We’ve got thousands of supporters throughout the country who have our merchandise and are doing their own thing.

“The street stall in Edinburgh is not an event we have organised or sanctioned. If there is any truth in the allegations, it is reprehensible behaviour and we would not want to be associated with that.”

A spokesman for Police Scotland said: “We’ve been made aware of alleged abusive comments made by a male at the Newkirkgate Shopping Centre in Leith. The incident happened at around midday on Saturday, June 18. Our enquiries into this matter are ongoing and anyone with relevant information is asked to contact police on 101.”
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