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 Statist idiots: ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea

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Statist idiots: ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea   Statist idiots: ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea Icon_minitimeWed Jun 15, 2016 4:42 am

Southeast Asian countries withdrew a statement that expressed the region's deep concerns over rising tensions in the disputed South China Sea, where China has been involved in territorial disputes.

Statist idiots: ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea ?m=02&d=20160615&t=2&i=1141428820&w=&fh=&fw=&ll=644&pl=429&sq=&r=LYNXNPEC5E0C8
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Statist idiots: ASEAN countries retract statement expressing concerns on South China Sea

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