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 Funny: Literally, a pyramid scheme: Giza 'thieves' caught selling ancient stones

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Funny: Literally, a pyramid scheme: Giza 'thieves' caught selling ancient stones  Vide
PostSubject: Funny: Literally, a pyramid scheme: Giza 'thieves' caught selling ancient stones    Funny: Literally, a pyramid scheme: Giza 'thieves' caught selling ancient stones  Icon_minitimeMon Feb 08, 2016 6:06 am

Egyptian police have arrested three men who were literally running a 'pyramid scheme', after undercover journalists captured them on video selling stones from the oldest 'Seven Wonders of the Ancient World'.

Funny: Literally, a pyramid scheme: Giza 'thieves' caught selling ancient stones  56b7320dc46188507a8b462a

Reports had been circulating that eager tourists could easily purchase "bits" of the 4,500-year-old Giza Pyramids from locals, who were breaking off pieces of stone, but these claims had been refuted by the Ministry of Antiquities.

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   — RT (@RT_com) January 29, 2016

Equipped with hidden cameras, undercover journalists from a local website DotMsr filmed their encounters with people hustling at the pyramids.

They were offered stones for as little as 250 Egyptian pounds ($32).

"Here, this is from the Pyramid itself," one of the sellers can be heard saying on camera, reports.

The same man is also heard bragging that he has sold stones to tourists for us as much as €500 ($558).

The three men featured in the video were arrested on Saturday and have been charged with damaging and vandalizing antiquities, as well as fraud.

With DotMsr’s video being viewed almost 680,000 times on Facebook and almost 60,000 times on YouTube, some have called for Egypt’s Minister for Antiquities to be fired for allowing such antics.
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