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 OZschwitz rights violations: The long list of tough restrictions the poLice intend to enforce at sports game

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary

OZschwitz rights violations: The long list of tough restrictions the poLice intend to enforce at sports game Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz rights violations: The long list of tough restrictions the poLice intend to enforce at sports game   OZschwitz rights violations: The long list of tough restrictions the poLice intend to enforce at sports game Icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2015 11:39 pm

Banning the traditional march by the RBB through the Parramatta CBD to Pirtek Stadium;
The RBB won't be allowed to display any banners that are considered to be provocative;
There will be a zero tolerance for swearing;
RBB supporters will be ordered to remain in their seats and to not 'compress' [stand shoulder-to-shoulder and jump and clap their hands above their heads ] when they chant;
Only one person, designated by the club, will be allowed to take a megaphone into the stadium; Flares will not be tolerated. The police intend to ensure the rules are followed.

OZschwitz rights violations: The long list of tough restrictions the poLice intend to enforce at sports game 1443097472563
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OZschwitz rights violations: The long list of tough restrictions the poLice intend to enforce at sports game

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