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 Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos "disturbing" - but hey, carry on murdering, Planned Non-Parenthood...

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Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos "disturbing" - but hey, carry on murdering, Planned Non-Parenthood... Vide
PostSubject: Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos "disturbing" - but hey, carry on murdering, Planned Non-Parenthood...   Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos "disturbing" - but hey, carry on murdering, Planned Non-Parenthood... Icon_minitimeThu Jul 30, 2015 5:26 am

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton weighed in Tuesday on recent videos showing a Planned Parenthood employee discussing the donation of aborted fetal tissue to biomedical research, saying the videos are "disturbing" - but people shouldn't rush to condemn Planned Parenthood because of them.
"I have seen pictures from them and obviously find them disturbing," Clinton told the New Hampshire Union Leader in an interview.

Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos "disturbing" - but hey, carry on murdering, Planned Non-Parenthood... 9k=
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Hillary Clinton: Planned Parenthood videos "disturbing" - but hey, carry on murdering, Planned Non-Parenthood...

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