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 Statist idiots: Uber drivers are employees, not contractors

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: Uber drivers are employees, not contractors Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Uber drivers are employees, not contractors   Statist idiots: Uber drivers are employees, not contractors Icon_minitimeWed Jun 17, 2015 10:15 pm

A California labor board has ruled that drivers for the ride-sharing service Uber are employees, not independent contractors -- a decision that could have major implications for the global startup.

Statist idiots: Uber drivers are employees, not contractors 2eeb298584419ae0da0d8f03c97d00fc9ff094b8_original

In the ruling earlier this month by the state's labor commission, Uber was ordered to reimburse one of its drivers, Barbara Ann Berwick, more than $4,000 for employee expenses.

The ruling has been appealed in court and would only impact Uber drivers in California.

But if the case ends up applying to Uber's global operations, it could potentially take away one of the underpinnings of its business model, which considers drivers independent contractors.

The commission's order was included in the appeal filed by Uber in California Superior Court in San Francisco.
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Statist idiots: Uber drivers are employees, not contractors

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