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 Statist idiot: 'Stop eating Nutella' urges French ecology minister

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiot: 'Stop eating Nutella' urges French ecology minister Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiot: 'Stop eating Nutella' urges French ecology minister   Statist idiot: 'Stop eating Nutella' urges French ecology minister Icon_minitimeTue Jun 16, 2015 11:14 pm

France's ecology minister, Segolene Royal, has rankled the company that makes Nutella by urging the public to stop eating its irresistible chocolate hazelnut spread, saying it contributes to deforestation.

Statist idiot: 'Stop eating Nutella' urges French ecology minister 3ae7b36618260e1e7d4d95ef9e1ae00f1e749912_original

"We have to replant a lot of trees because there is massive deforestation that also leads to global warming. We should stop eating Nutella, for example, because it's made with palm oil," Royal said in an interview late Monday on the French television network Canal+.

"Oil palms have replaced trees, and therefore caused considerable damage to the environment," she explained.

Nutella, she said, should be made from "other ingredients".

The comments needled Ferrero, the giant Italian chocolate group that makes Nutella.

Without referring to Royal directly, the company issued a statement Tuesday saying it was aware of the environmental stakes and had made commitments to source palm oil in a responsible manner.

Ferrero gets nearly 80 percent of its palm oil from Malaysia. The rest of its supply comes from Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Brazil.
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Statist idiot: 'Stop eating Nutella' urges French ecology minister

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