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 Statist idiots: Pentagon sent live anthrax to Japan in 2005

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Statist idiots: Pentagon sent live anthrax to Japan in 2005 Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Pentagon sent live anthrax to Japan in 2005   Statist idiots: Pentagon sent live anthrax to Japan in 2005 Icon_minitimeSat Jun 13, 2015 10:15 pm

The Pentagon on Friday added Japan to a list of countries that received live anthrax samples from the U.S. military, while a news report said the lab that sent out the bacteria faced sanctions in 2007 for failing to kill specimens but was never fined.
The sample that went to Japan was sent to the U.S. military base of Camp Zama about 25 miles (40 km) southwest of Tokyo in 2005 and was destroyed in 2009, Defense Department spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said.
Warren said the anthrax, which was sent to Japan for the purpose of testing detection equipment, came from a master lot that was thought to have been inactive but turned out to be active when tested.
"It's important to note that there currently is no anthrax, activated or inactivated, in Japan at this time," Warren told a regular Pentagon news briefing.
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Statist idiots: Pentagon sent live anthrax to Japan in 2005

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