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 Statist idiots: Denmark spends fortune on “Cruise Rehab” for troubled youths

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: Denmark spends fortune on “Cruise Rehab” for troubled youths  Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Denmark spends fortune on “Cruise Rehab” for troubled youths    Statist idiots: Denmark spends fortune on “Cruise Rehab” for troubled youths  Icon_minitimeWed Jun 10, 2015 4:32 am

What do Caribbean cruises and rehab programs have in common? Surprisingly, the answer is not “nothing.”

Statist idiots: Denmark spends fortune on “Cruise Rehab” for troubled youths  Cruise_rehab_land_1aneu5o-1aneu7a

For the past five years, the country of Denmark has been sending their young criminals on year-long cruises to the Caribbean in an attempt to rehabilitate them into regular life, says MailOnline. So far, they’ve sent 59 youths. And according to a report released on Monday in the Danish newspaper Metroexpress, the country has spent 42 million kroner (roughly $8,265,378) on the program.

But why a cruise?

“We do it so they can get away from the environment of drug abuse,” explains Flemming Olson, the Director of Family Affairs for Frederikssund Municipality, one of Denmark’s city governments.

“I agree that it looks strange, but this isn’t a cruise,” echoes John Schmidt Andersen, Frederikssund’s mayor. “There are demands made. I don’t care what they do as long as they stop abusing [drugs].”
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Statist idiots: Denmark spends fortune on “Cruise Rehab” for troubled youths

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