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 More statist idiots: OZschwitz bureaucrats took decade to fix super bungle in PM's department

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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More statist idiots: OZschwitz bureaucrats took decade to fix super bungle in PM's department Vide
PostSubject: More statist idiots: OZschwitz bureaucrats took decade to fix super bungle in PM's department   More statist idiots: OZschwitz bureaucrats took decade to fix super bungle in PM's department Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 9:49 pm

It took bureaucrats in the Prime Minister's department 10 years to realise they were paying staff the wrong amount of superannuation – and now taxpayers will foot the bill for cleaning up the mess.

More statist idiots: OZschwitz bureaucrats took decade to fix super bungle in PM's department 1433639759109

The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet sent letters in the last fortnight to about 1900 former and current staff members telling their super had been either overpaid or underpaid.

In the letters, the department attributes the error to "a historical configuration of the department's payroll system which incorrectly calculated contributions". The error affects staff who belong to the Public Sector Superannuation Accumulation Plan or the Super Choice fund.

"The department apologises for this error and is committed to ensuring that your situation is rectified as quickly as possible," the letters say.
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More statist idiots: OZschwitz bureaucrats took decade to fix super bungle in PM's department

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