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 Statist idiots: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability   Statist idiots: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability Icon_minitimeSat Jun 06, 2015 9:40 pm

Social Security overpaid nearly half the people receiving disability benefits over the past decade, according to a government watchdog, raising questions about the management of the cash-strapped program.

Statist idiots: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability 1247f2031f758c19780f6a7067004bc3_original

In all, Social Security overpaid beneficiaries by nearly $17 billion, according to a 10-year study by the agency's inspector general.

Many payments went to people who earned too much money to qualify for benefits, or to those no longer disabled. Payments also went to people who had died or were in prison.

Social Security was able to recoup about $8.1 billion, but it often took years to get the money back, the study said.
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Statist idiots: Social Security overpaid nearly half on disability

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