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 Statist idiots: 25 words too dirty for the web in China

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Statist idiots: 25 words too dirty for the web in China Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: 25 words too dirty for the web in China   Statist idiots: 25 words too dirty for the web in China Icon_minitimeThu Jun 04, 2015 3:38 am

The most popular term -- literally “your Mum,” but with a more offensive connotation -- was used almost a quarter of a billion times, according to the survey.

Statist idiots: 25 words too dirty for the web in China Www_internet_1amsu9u-1amsujk

George Carlin had seven dirty words you couldn’t say on American TV in the 1970s.

Chinese Internet chief Lu Wei has at least 25 he wants to purge from the country’s cyberspace.

From the Mandarin-equivalent of the F-bomb to the more innocuous-sounding “your Mum,” Lu’s agency, the Cyberspace Administration of China, highlighted the words on Tuesday as the most popular examples of “coarse language” saturating the country’s Internet.

The agency used a symposium attended by representatives from Tencent Holdings Ltd., Sina Corp. and other Chinese Internet companies to press for cleaner language online.

The campaign against dirty words -- announced during a government cybersecurity conference in Beijing -- is the latest bid under President Xi Jinping to sanitise China’s Internet.
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