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 OZschwitz idiots: offer regional visas to refugees, where there are no jobs

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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OZschwitz idiots: offer regional visas to refugees, where there are no jobs Vide
PostSubject: OZschwitz idiots: offer regional visas to refugees, where there are no jobs   OZschwitz idiots: offer regional visas to refugees, where there are no jobs Icon_minitimeMon Jun 01, 2015 12:57 am

Asylum seekers who bypass the city for the country will be settled in NSW regional towns as the state becomes the first to sign up to Australia's new Safe Haven Enterprise Visa scheme.

OZschwitz idiots: offer regional visas to refugees, where there are no jobs Inline_mike_baird2_1amknbf-1amknbo

The five-year visas, introduced last year, will be an option for refugees prepared to work or study outside of Sydney, Newcastle or Wollongong.

NSW Premier Mike Baird said the scheme will provide labour to rural regions and offer security for asylum seekers.

"As Australia's economic powerhouse, NSW has an obligation to open its arms to those who are genuine refugees," Mr Baird said in a statement.
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OZschwitz idiots: offer regional visas to refugees, where there are no jobs

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