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 Idiots: Human Rights Tribunal to consider striking gender designation from birth certificates

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Idiots: Human Rights Tribunal to consider striking gender designation from birth certificates Vide
PostSubject: Idiots: Human Rights Tribunal to consider striking gender designation from birth certificates   Idiots: Human Rights Tribunal to consider striking gender designation from birth certificates Icon_minitimeThu May 28, 2015 4:41 am

After successfully lobbying provincial and federal governments to make it easier to amend sex designations on key identity documents, transgender Canadians are now pushing for another change: to abolish gender references altogether from birth certificates.

Idiots: Human Rights Tribunal to consider striking gender designation from birth certificates Morgane-oger

The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal has agreed to review complaints filed by the Trans Alliance Society and a handful of transgender and intersex individuals, who argue that doctors should stop assigning the sex of a baby based on a quick inspection of the baby’s genitals at birth when there’s a possibility they may identify under a different gender, or no gender, years later.

“Birth certificates (may) give false information about people and characterize them in a way that is actually wrong, that assumes to be right, and causes people … actual harm,” said Morgane Oger, a transgender woman in Vancouver and chair of the society.

“It’s considered true and infallible when it isn’t.”
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Idiots: Human Rights Tribunal to consider striking gender designation from birth certificates

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