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 Idiots in science: Ban balloons to save birds, say scientists; ban scientists to save individual rights, say AnCaps

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

Location : Wasted Space
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Idiots in science: Ban balloons to save birds, say scientists; ban scientists to save individual rights, say AnCaps Vide
PostSubject: Idiots in science: Ban balloons to save birds, say scientists; ban scientists to save individual rights, say AnCaps   Idiots in science: Ban balloons to save birds, say scientists; ban scientists to save individual rights, say AnCaps Icon_minitimeThu May 21, 2015 5:24 am

Releasing balloons en masse into the sky to mark funerals and other ceremonies is killing birds, say scientists who have called for the practice to be banned.

Idiots in science: Ban balloons to save birds, say scientists; ban scientists to save individual rights, say AnCaps 1432010008435

"Balloons are a huge threat, not only to birds, but turtles and other marine life," said Fiona Maxwell, campaigner with the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

"It certainly is time for us to come up with less polluting ways to celebrate."

Dr Jenn Lavers, a biologist at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, in Hobart, says she finds balloons "in about one in 20 of every seabirds I examine".
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Idiots in science: Ban balloons to save birds, say scientists; ban scientists to save individual rights, say AnCaps

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