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 Statist idiots: Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking

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Statist idiots: Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking   Statist idiots: Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking Icon_minitimeFri May 08, 2015 2:52 am

In a tiny corner of Eastern Europe, a fledgling Republic struggling with the day-to-day hurdles of warfare and shaky ceasefires, has succeeded in doing what has long been overdue in the most powerful nation on the face of the earth – it has nationalized its out-of-control banks and put them to use for the good of the people.

Statist idiots: Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking Ukraine_DPR_Flag_Smoke
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Statist idiots: Donetsk Republic Nationalizes Banks, Draws Ire Of NATO and World Banking

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