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 Statist idiots: Nepal shuts down its only international airport to big jets

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Statist idiots: Nepal shuts down its only international airport to big jets Vide
PostSubject: Statist idiots: Nepal shuts down its only international airport to big jets   Statist idiots: Nepal shuts down its only international airport to big jets Icon_minitimeSun May 03, 2015 5:16 am

KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) — Despite dire need by millions, earthquake-hit Nepal on Sunday was forced to close its only international airport to big airplanes flying in relief supplies and aid workers because the only runway can't handle the strain of the stream of large aircraft flying in to help.

Statist idiots: Nepal shuts down its only international airport to big jets 5a1680778e0342fd81da20ad3a1db735

Oh man
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Statist idiots: Nepal shuts down its only international airport to big jets

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