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 In US, 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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In US, 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan Vide
PostSubject: In US, 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan   In US, 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan Icon_minitimeFri Apr 24, 2015 11:19 pm

Korean Lee Yong-Soo was forced into sexual slavery serving Japan's imperial army. Seventy years later, with Japan's prime minister preparing a historic address to US Congress, she demands just one thing: an apology.

In US, 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan Efe110074ba6aedb98d978b69d5f9a61a68a0965-1ajis4a

"I'm not going to die until we resolve this issue," the diminutive 87 year old told reporters in the US Capitol.

"I am an honorable daughter of Korea, I am not a comfort woman," said Lee, her voice cracking.

Lee testified to Congress in 2007 about her traumatic experience as one of the thousands of "comfort women" victims forced into Japanese military brothels during World War II.
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In US, 'comfort woman' demands apology from Japan

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