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 Federal Judge Says No Second Amendment Right To Own Firearms

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RR Phantom

RR Phantom

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Federal Judge Says No Second Amendment Right To Own Firearms Vide
PostSubject: Federal Judge Says No Second Amendment Right To Own Firearms   Federal Judge Says No Second Amendment Right To Own Firearms Icon_minitimeWed Mar 04, 2015 2:13 am

Federal Judge Kimberly J. Mueller, an Obama appointee, said in a decision on Thursday that the Second Amendment does not apply to firearms.

Federal Judge Says No Second Amendment Right To Own Firearms 384px-Kimberly_Jo_Mueller

The so called Gun Rights groups have only themselves to blame for the decision.

Back in 2008 the United States Supreme Court published its first in-depth analysis of the Second Amendment in which it held that the Second Amendment is an individual right unconnected with service in a militia.  Two years later the High Court would hold that the Second Amendment applies to all states and local governments.

In 2008, the Supreme Court also said that the Second Amendment guarantees a right to carry arms openly but that right does not extend to the carrying of arms concealed.  In doing so the High Court affirmed state court decisions upholding prohibitions on concealed carry dating back to 1810.

Under our system of law, lower courts are bound by US Supreme Court decisions.  Federal district and Federal appellate court judges might not like a particular Supreme Court decision, and they are free to say so in their decision, but in deciding a case the lower courts are bound by the prior precedents set by the Supreme Court.
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Federal Judge Says No Second Amendment Right To Own Firearms

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