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 Cannabis 114 times less deadly than alcohol

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Cannabis 114 times less deadly than alcohol Vide
PostSubject: Cannabis 114 times less deadly than alcohol   Cannabis 114 times less deadly than alcohol Icon_minitimeTue Feb 24, 2015 12:56 am

Cannabis 114 times less deadly than alcohol Canna_risk5

Research published in the journal Scientific Reports finds that alcohol is the deadliest recreational drug, followed by heroin, cocaine, and tobacco. Cannabis, at the bottom of the list, is 114 times less deadly than alcohol. Christopher Ingraham of the Washington Post writes:
Quote :
[I]ndividuals and organizations up in arms over marijuana legalization could have a greater effect on the health and well-being of this country by shifting their attention to alcohol and cigarettes. It takes extraordinary chutzpah to rail against the dangers of marijuana use by day and then go home to unwind with a glass of far more lethal stuff in the evening.
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Cannabis 114 times less deadly than alcohol

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