RR Phantom
Location : Wasted Space Job/hobbies : Cayman Islands Actuary
| Subject: Freelancer attacks OZschwitz government's tax plan Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:51 pm | |
| The Abbott government's proposed tax changes to employee share schemes will do nothing to help most Australian companies attract talent, says Freelancer chief Matt Barrie, and in fact will disadvantage them against Silicon Valley giants like Uber.
Mr Barrie is the founder of Freelancer, an online company which has been described as 'like eBay but for jobs' by putting people in hunt for skills in touch with people who have the skills. It now has over 14.3 million users globally.
Mr Barrie said contrary to claims from senior Coalition ministers, the Abbott government was not reversing a 2009 decision by Labor to tax the share schemes upfront.
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/business/we-cant-compete-with-uber-because-of-abbott-government-tax-plan-says-freelancers-matt-barrie-20150217-13h4ja.html#ixzz3S46WkuSU |