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 “We don’t have a free market in this country today. We have crony capitalism, which is why small businesses are folding up and going away”

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Female Location : Ether-Sphere
Job/hobbies : Irrationality Exterminator
Humor : Über Serious

“We don’t have a free market in this country today. We have crony capitalism, which is why small businesses are folding up and going away”  Vide
PostSubject: “We don’t have a free market in this country today. We have crony capitalism, which is why small businesses are folding up and going away”    “We don’t have a free market in this country today. We have crony capitalism, which is why small businesses are folding up and going away”  Icon_minitimeMon Feb 16, 2015 10:11 pm

Mrs. Fiorina said. “It’s why more of them are being destroyed than being created.”
Mrs. Fiorina’s apparent consonance with Mrs. Warren vanishes quickly.
“Warren’s wrong about the answer to crony capitalism. It’s not more big government, which only creates more crony capitalism,” she said. “The answer is less government, radical simplification, real government reform — not just enough to lower tax rates. You have to simplify the tax codes.”
Mrs. Fiorina’s worldview was shaped by her winding journey from receptionist with a Stanford University degree in medieval history and philosophy and law school dropout to division chairman of Lucent Technologies, and then head of everything at Hewlett-Packard.
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“We don’t have a free market in this country today. We have crony capitalism, which is why small businesses are folding up and going away”

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